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Thursday, November 19, 2015

Data Data Data

Check out the room while 1st graders work hard to collect and record data from their peers and use the board as a resource for spelling headings correctly in their work.

Now watch one of our students use the SUM formula to add the data in her spreadsheet and then analyze the data to answer some questions. Double click on the video to see it more clearly.

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Digital Citizenship and Screencastify

Students in 2nd grade have been learning about what it takes to be a good Digital Citizen. For our final project students are using a Google Slideshow to put the characteristics into their own words and import a supporting picture.  Students then created a video of their presentation using the Chrome extension Screencastify.  

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

1st Grade-Excel

Students in 1st grade are beginning to use Excel this week.  They are surveying their peers to find out what is their favorite color. They are then analyzing the data and seeing what color was liked the most and what color was liked the least.  Check out the video below for an example.

Welcome to the Lab!

Welcome to the JES computer lab!  I am Sara Stephan, your local computer teacher.  This is my 8th year teaching computers at JES.  Here's a quick background on me, I graduated from Western Kentucky University with a Bachelors in Elementary Education in 2005. In 2013 I completed my Masters in Elementary Education at Montana State University-Billings.  I love teaching new technology to students and seeing their creativity take off.  

In second grade this year we will be using our Google Drive regularly to build our digital portfolio of work we complete.  Second graders will focus on digital collaboration with our peers and what skills it takes to be a good digital citizen: not sharing personal information, respecting others online, having a trusted adult to ask for help, standing up to cyberbullying and balance their time online with other activities.

In first grade we begin the year by collecting data from our peers. We will be looking at how to analyze the data and understand the information it gives us through Microsoft Excel. Later this year we will begin using our Google Drive and transfer the Excel skills to Google Sheets. We will also talk about what information is and isn't safe to share online.

Kindergarteners are just beginning their tech skills.  This year we will focus on being independent learners on the computer who can log in and out of the computer and applications. We will focus on proficiently finding letters on the keyboard and using our mouse properly. In regards to digital citizenship, Kindergarteners will focus on identifying who the trusted adult is to ask for help when using a computer.

Come back to the blog to see what we are doing this week and examples of student work!